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Featured Product Reviews:
Review for Dr. Lin's 3 Step Kit
- "I had used proactiv for four years and have never had a problem with acne until about a year ago. I started to break out really bad on my t-zone and would get horrible acne on my cheeks that left marks. The proactiv started to irritate my skin, and wasn't clearing it at all. I honestly don't even know how I used that stuff for so long. It is horribly drying and loaded with harsh chemicals. It burned my acne and made it more visible and red. I finally got rid of it and decided to try other products. I've tried Aveeno, Nuetrogena, yes to tomatoes, acne free, cetaphil, and clearasil. NOTHING helped at all!! I had this horrible horrible acne that makeup couldn't even cover up for months! I was in CVS expecting to buy yet another disappointing product when I came across this stuff. I bought the two step acne system and the hydrating gel. BEST DECISION EVER! This stuff cleared my acne 100% within three weeks and it has not come back!! Two months later and my dark red marks are barely visible! THIS STUFF DOES EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS!! I use the two step system morning and night. For a night moisturizing mask I use a layer of the hydrating gel and a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil after the gel dries (amazing combo btw highly recommend). It leaves my face so radiant and smooth and shrinks my pores! This whole line is HG, and I hope it never discontinues! THANK YOU DR LIN!!!" - Reina
Reviews for Dr. Lin's 2 Step Kit
- "I've been dealing with acne since i was a teen and with biracial skin, very few products work and even less products consistently make a difference. In just one day, my redness was gone and my cystic acne was beginning to clear up- even my hormonal acne was beginning to diminish! My pores are getting smaller and my blackheads are clearing up as well. I'd recommend this product to anybody who his looking for a reliable product." - Harley
- "Thank you for creating a WONDERFUL product. I thank God for you and I am VERY pleased with your skincare line. I must say, it was tough seeing all those huge bumps in the beginning (red bumps, white heads, black heads, lesions) my face looked horrible, but I kept on praying and using it and eventually it cleared up. God Bless you Dr. Lin." - Sophia